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Athletic Starting Stance

The player sets up in an atheltic position. The feet are pointed slightly inwards a little more than shoulder width apart. The knees are flexed. The front shoulder is somewhat close to underneath the chin.  The head is out over the feet. The front arm is close to a 90 degree angle. The back elbow is up but slightly lower than the shoulder and even with the side of the body. 

Starting Drop Step

The player remains in an atheltic position as she starts to drop step with her back foot. The knees remain flexed. The arms are flexed as the top hand climbs up the bat to enable better bat control. The bat starts at the top of the strike zone out over the plate.

Forward Momentum

The player remains in an atheltic position as she starts her forward momentum towards first base after making contact. Her head is out over her feet and the weight is on the balls of her feet. Her legs are positioned to run directly towards first base. 

Getting Out Of The Box

The player remains in an atheltic position while she begins to drop the bat and as her forward momentum starts her towards first base after making contact. Her head is out over her feet and her legs are positioned to run directly towards first base. 

Drop Step/Contact

The player remains in an atheltic position as she drops step with her back foot. The knees remain flexed and the legs are positioned to run directly towards first base. The arms are flexed and the bat is out over the plate as contact is made. The proper angle is made to get the ball close to the foul line.

Sprint To First

The player remains in an atheltic position while she starts her sprint to first base. She lets go of the bat while running directly to first.

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