Drop Step Left
Starting Position
The outfielder sets up in an athletic position prior to the pitch. Her feet are outside her shoulders and the weight is on the balls of her feet. Her legs are slightly flexed. Both hands are positioned in front of her chest and hips and shoulders are square to the batter.
Proper Angle Sprint
The outfielder continues sprinting at the proper angle and on the balls of her feet towards the ball. Her glove elbow remains tucked to her side as her hips and shoulders square to the proper angle. Her head continues to look over her shoulder at the ball.
Drop Step
The outfielder drop steps to the ball of her glove hand foot. The drop step provides the proper angle to the ball. Both legs are flexed to retain an athletic position. The glove is tucked and the head is looking over the shoulder at the ball.
Glove Raise
The outfielder continues sprinting at the proper angle and on the balls of her feet towards the ball. As the ball gets close, she starts to raise her glove in a position to catch the ball. She continues to track the ball.
Cross Over
After the drop step, the outfielder crosses over with her throwing hand foot and on the balls of her feet at a proper angle towards the ball. Her glove elbow remains tucked to her side as her hips and shoulders square to the proper angle. Her head continues to look over her shoulder at the ball.
Open Pocket
The outfielder continues sprinting at the proper angle and on the balls of her feet towards the ball. As the ball is about to enter the glove, she opens the pocket towards the ball. She continues to track the ball.
The Catch
The outfielder continues running at the proper angle and on the balls of her feet towards the ball. As the ball enters her glove, she starts to close the pocket to secure the ball.