full motion
The pitcher is standing on the mound in an athletic position. Both feet must be in contact with the pitching rubber. At the start, the ball must be out of the glove, "presenting the ball". The pitcher as this time gets their sign from the catcher.
Presenting The Ball

The rock allows the pitcher to start their momentum. Their weight transfers to the glove foot. The arm motion varies from pitcher to pitcher. With the ball in the glove, some like to rock back and have the ball and glove move back outside the thrwoing hip. Others like to raise the ball and glove up as in this picture.
Rock Back

The pitchers weight transfers to the lead foot. The forward momentum brings the players upper body out over the lead foot. The pitching arm elevates in a circular path outside the hip finishing at full extension at a position that is comfortable to the pitcher. The thumb is underneath and the fingers are on top of the ball.
Forward Momentum

The pitcher drives forward off her lead foot towards the target as far as she can while maintaining contact with the ground. The hips get to an closed position allowing the front shoulder to face the target. The pitching arm elevates in a circular motion as fast as possible. The glove is pointing towards the target.

The pitcher plants her glove foot at a slight closed angle towards the target. She maintains contact with the ground with her throwing hand foot as it slides directly in back of the glove foot. The hips start to open as she snaps the ball towards the target.

The Finish
The pitcher finishes by snapping the ball towards the target. The body is square to the plate in an athletic and defensive position.

Rock Forward
As the pitcher brings the ball down pass the hip, the weight transfers to her lead or throwing hand foot and momentum starts forward. The arm should follow a circular path pass the hip to a position the pitcher is comfortable with.

Maintaining Contact
The pitcher continues driving forward off her lead foot towards the target as far as she can while the toe maintains contact with the ground. The hips remain in a closed position. The pitching arm is slightly flexed as it elevates in a circular motion as fast as possible. The glove is pointing towards the target.