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Fielding Position Side View

The player is in an athletic position.  She is on the balls of her feet which are just outside her shoulders. The glove foot should be slightly in front of the throwing hand foot. The legs are flexed, the bottom is down, and the back is arched. The glove palm is facing towards the ball with the glove on the ground and the arm flexed. The throwing hand is positioned aboved the ball to keep it in place. The chin is down so the eyes can follow the ball into the glove.

Fielding Position Front View

The  player is in an athletic position. She is on the balls of her feet which are just outside her shoulders. The glove foot should be slightly in front of the throwing hand foot. The legs are flexed, the bottom is down, and the back is arched. The glove palm is facing towards the ball with the glove on the ground and the arm flexed. The throwing hand is positioned aboved the ball to keep it in place. The chin is down so the eyes can follow the ball into the glove.

Fielding Position Diagnal View

She is an athletic position.  The player is in the balls of her feet which are just outside her shoulders. The glove foot should be slightly in front of the throwing hand foot. The legs are flexed, the bottom is down, and the back is arched. The glove palm is facing towards the ball with the glove on the ground and the arm flexed. The throwing hand is positioned aboved the ball to keep it in place. The chin is down so the eyes can follow the ball into the glove.

The Approach

The player using quick choppy steps, approaches the ball in an athletic postion. The player breaks down to field the ball using the proper footwork, throwing foot then glove foot. The legs are flexed with the glove moving towards the ground and the throwing hand over the top. The chin is down and the eyes are following the ball.

Fielding Position

The player in an athletic position breaks down to field the ball using the proper footwork, throwing foot then glove foot. The legs are flexed with the glove palm on the ground facing the ball and the throwing hand over the top. The feet are outside her shoulders and at or near the balls of the feet. The body is in a balanced postion with the chin down and the eyes are following the ball in. The ball is fielded inside the glove foot.


The player in an athletic position fields the ball inside the glove foot using the proper footwork, throwing foot then glove foot. The legs remain flexed and raise slightly to prepare to get in to the throwing motion. The glove moves in towards the stomach creating soft hands with the throwing hand over the top. The feet are outside the shoulders and on the balls of the feet. The body is balanced with the momentum moving forward towards the target.

Throwing Position

The player is in an athletic throwing position. The feet are outside the shoulders and on the balls of the feet. The back foot is square with the body and the front foot is slightly opened. The legs are flexed and the back is straight. The glove is positioned by the ear.  The ball is separated from the glove behind the rear shoulder. Both arms are at a 90 degree angle.  The front shoulder is underneath the chin and the eye is on the target. The body is in a balanced positioned to throw an accurate ball.

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