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Long Toss

Set Up

The pitcher starts at the mound and moves back about three feet after each successful pitch across the plate. Once the pitcher fails to reach the plate, she moves forward and starts her long toss from that location.


The pitcher drives forward off her lead foot towards the target as far as she can while maintaining contact with the ground. The hips get to a closed position allowing the front shoulder to face the target. The pitching arm elevates in a circular motion as fast as possible above the head.  The glove is pointing towards the target. 

The Finish

The pitcher finishes her long toss by following through with arm up high. The body is square to the plate. The ball continues to elevate towards the target.

The Rock

The rock allows the pitcher to start their momentum.  Their weight transfers to the glove foot.  The arm motion varies from pitcher to pitcher. With the ball in the glove, some like to rock back and have the ball and glove move back outside the throwing hip. Others like to raise the ball and glove up as in this picture.

Forward Momentum

The pitchers weight transfers to the lead foot. The forward momentum brings the players upper body out over the lead foot.  The pitching arm elevates up past the shoulders with the palm facing the outfield. The thumb is underneath and the fingers are on top.


The pitcher continues driving forward as she plants on the balls of her glove foot. Her arm accelerates toward the target as she snaps her wrist to release and elevate the ball. 

Follow Through

The pitcher continues driving forward as she plants on the balls of her glove foot. Her arm follows through after the wrist snap. The ball continues to elevate towards the target.

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