
The body is an athletic position on the balls of the feet and the legs slightly flexed. The glove is positioned by the throwing ear with the arm flexed at 90 degress and the elbow is pointed towards the target. The ball is separated from the glove beyond the back shoulder with the fingertips pointing back and thumber underneath. The glove shoulder is beneath the chin.

The body retains an athletic position on the balls of the feet and the legs slightly flexed. The glove elbow starts to tuck to the side to initiating upper body and lower body rotation. The throwing arm starts to rotate maintaining close to 90 degrees. The hand moves forward with the fingertips rotating underneath the ball and thumb rotating to the top. The back heel is elevated so the hips can release and rotate.

Extension/Wrist Snap
The body retains an athletic position on the balls of the feet with the back hill raised and the legs slightly flexed. The glove elbow continues to tuck to the side to continue the upper and lower body rotation. The throwing arm is fully extended as the wrist just starts to snap with the fingertips on top. At this point the throwing shoulder rotates past the glove shoulder. The back foot heel is high as the momentum of the throw is forward and towards the target.

Follow Through
The body retains an athletic position as the front leg starts to firm helping keep the weight back and balanced. The glove is completely tucked to the side. The throwing arm is fully extended rotating down and towards the glove hip. At this point the throwing shoulder continues rotating past the glove shoulder. The back foot heel is high as the momentum of the throw is forward and towards the target. The hips are square to the target

The body retains an athletic position as the front leg finishes firm keeping the weight back and balanced. The glove is completely tucked to the side. The throwing arm is fully extended finishing at the glove hip. The throwing shoulder completes rotating at a position where it's facing the target. The back foot heel is high as the momentum of the throw is forward and towards the target. The hips are square to the target