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Wrist Snap

Positioning Front Angle

The player starts on her knees with throwing arm knee down. The glove hand supports the throwing elbow to keep in place. The throwing arm is close to 90 degrees with the wrist flexed back. The player holds the ball with the finger tips across the long seems and the thumb underneath.

Positioning Side Angle

The player starts on her knees with throwing arm knee down. The glove hand supports the throwing elbow to keep in place. The throwing arm is close to 90 degrees with the wrist flexed back. The player holds the ball with the fingertips across the long seems and the thumb underneath.


The player starts on the knees with throwing arm knee down. The glove hand supports the throwing elbow to keep in place. The throwing arm is close to 90 degrees with the wrist flexed back. The player holds the ball with the fingertips across the long seems and the thumb underneath. The player snaps the wrist down and out with the ball traveling ahead. The finger tips finish pointed across towards the target with the arm remaining at its start.

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