PRACTICE 7 Focus: Throwing, Fielding/Footwork, Hitting
Agility Warm Up (10 Min)
Player starts at bottom left cone with glove and sprints forward
Once past the top cone, the player back pedals in the opposite direction
Player continues until through all cones
Player start at bottom right cone with their glove and shuffles feet athletically until outside bottom right cone
Player sprints forward until past top right cone and shuffles left until outside top left cone
Player then back pedals to bottom left cone
Stationary feeds to a player with no glove
Have player get into a proper fielding position and roll balls directly to them so their feet can stay stationary
Focus is on getting the player into the proper fielding position and reaching out for the ball with their glove hand palm facing the ball and throwing hand over the glove hand
Roll 3 to each and rotate
Throwing (10 Min)
Player’s throw to coaches
Start with wrist snaps on the knees
Glove knee up, throwing hand knee down
Throwing arm is at 90 degree
Glove hand supports throwing elbow underneath
With ball in hand, wrist starts forward, comes back, and forward to snap
Arm does not move, just the wrist
Throwing from the knee
Start with glove shoulder facing target
Glove to ear, ball separation behind throwing shoulder, elbow up
On the throw, glove is tucked, wrist is snapped, throwing hand finished at opposite pocket
Attempt to get the player’s to go from shoulder to shoulder with their throws
Throwing from the feet in an athletic position
Utilize same mechanics mentioned above
Targets can be used for fun, i.e. Hula Hoops or Buckets
Start close and slowly move back.
Can add a competition for fun having the players attempt to throw through a hula hoop at various distances starting close and slowly moving back
Catching (10 Min)
Start by having the coaches toss players a tennis ball up close with no glove
Have them start in a stationary athletic position with the legs flexed giving a target with both hands out front​
Feed them the ball and have them catch it with their glove hand with their throwing hand covering up after the catch
Feed them balls from your knee in different areas encouraging the use of their legs working up and down (but still stationary)
​If the ball is above their knee have them catch it finger tips up using their legs, below the knees catch finger tips down
Have 3-4 lines and feed them 3 balls each and rotate
Have the coaches toss balls just outside their glove side or and side
Have them start in a stationary athletic position with the legs flexed giving a target with both hands out front​
Feed them the ball and have them move their feet to the ball
If tossed glove side, the footwork is glove foot to the ball, back foot plants, lead foot to the target​
Have the player finish in an athletic throwing position
If tossed hand side, the footwork is back foot plants, and glove foot leads to the target
Have 3-4 lines and feed them 3 balls each and rotate
Now with the glove, have the player get athletic by bending at the knees and having the feet outside the shoulders
The coach will again feed 3 balls each from a close distance on their knee and rotate
The players will give a target using two hands
Focus on having them catch the ball finger tips up or finger tips down in a stationary position
Review Fielding/Footwork (20 Min) Circuit
Discuss and demonstrate the proper fielding position
Feet a little wider than shoulders
Weight is on the inside of the balls of the feet
Bottom is down almost as if sitting on a chair
Back is straight
Glove is reaching out touching the ground with the arm still flexed not straight
The palm is towards the ball, not the sky
Throwing hand is over the top of the glove
Head is up
Lateral Shuffle
Set up two balls 7-10 feet apart
Have the player start in the middle of the two balls in an athletic position
The player will shuffle laterally until they get to the ball which will be in front of them
The player will break down into the fielding position that was demonstrated earlier and get into a throwing position
Have them shuffle twice to each side and then rotate
Multiple stations can be setup for this footwork
Fielding Footwork
Setting up in an athletic position with a ladder directly in front and a ball placed in front of the ladder that’s running horizontal.
A right handed player will put their right foot in a ladder square followed by their left foot (it will be the opposite for a lefty)
As soon as the player gets their left foot down, they will reach with their glove towards the ball in a good fielding position
Right/Left reach for a righty, Left/Right reach for a lefty
The two steps into the ladder should be in rhythm
Next, move the players back so they have to take multiple steps
Focus on short choppy steps until they get to the ladder
Fielding Footwork II
Have the players set up in athletic fielding position
Roll them a ball and have them field ball working through the ball the ball
Have them utilize the proper footwork as in the drill above
They will finish in athletic throwing position
Hitting (30 Min)
The player sets up in an athletic stance
Feet positioned straight or slightly inward with weight on the inside
Feet are positioned just outside the shoulders with equal weight on each
Have the player just get to contact for 5-7 reps
At this point, the back foot and belly button should be pointed to the contact point​
The back arm should be close to a 90 degree angle
Next, have the player get through contact and to extension for 5-7 reps
Have the player focus on making contact with the inside of the ball which forces the knob to the ball
At extension, the back shoulder should be underneath the chin which is down ​
At extension, the barrel of the bat should be facing the pitcher
Move the tee to the middle contact point and have the player take a full swing
Make necessary adjustments to a player’s swing
Introduce Soft Toss
Have a coach discuss and demonstrate the proper fundamentals of soft toss
Coach kneels to the side and slightly in front of batter
Coach slowly tosses the ball to batters strike zone
Batter swings through with focus points above